Hi Tom
Help me understand the logic of the automatic tool changer in the program KmotionCNC. When I connect ToolM6trigServise file, this code does the tool change in the program. I do not know where to put the data on the position of the tool table? And where to write the logic file physical tool change?
Coordinate plane of tool changer instrument. Example: what logic should be with automatic tool changer on my machine -
Coordinate plane of tool changer instrument on the table.
T1. T2. T3. T4. T5.
X3005 X3005 X3005 X3005 X3005
Y0. Y100. Y100. Y100. Y100
M6 T2
Which instrument in spindle right now?
Instrument T1.
If instrument T1 then - stop the spindle and up Z-300 (move 0,0,10000). Then go to instrument position T1 (X,Y), put instrument down. Go Z down Z-200 (move, 0,0,10000) then slow down Z-220 (move 0,0, 1000). Then move slow X3005 (move 0,0, 500). Then open clamp (SetBit(46);). Check clamp (ReadBit(8)). If clamp open then up Z0 and go to instrument position T2 (Read instrument position from the table (X3005, Y100)). Down Z200 (move 0,0,10000). Then slow down Z220 (move 0,0,1000). Close clamp (SetBit(46);). Check - ReadBit(8) - if bit check and ok then go up Z0 (move 0,0, 10000). Then move to probe position to calibrate, Z0. After continue job.
I would be grateful for your help